Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What's To Come Is Better Than What's Been!

Dear Friends in the Faith:

New Year's Resolutions have never really worked. It is because the word resolution means come full circle or to resolve. Thus, every time you do a resolution you end up right back where you started from in the beginning. But, what is more important than a resolution is a revelation. The reason why a revelation is so much more important is because it means to reveal or to disclose. It means to make known.

Now there have been people who have tried to see into your future. Tarot cards readers, astrology guru's, soothsayers, voodoo priests and the like have tried their best to see what the future holds for you. But please hear this, the only way for you to get a good portrait of your future is from the God that gave you your life to begin with! In short, the only revelation that you really need will come from Jesus Christ! Here's the revelation that you need to begin your year with. Place this in your spirit and hide it in your heart, what's to come is better than what's been!

Are you shouting yet? Well, if you are not King David can help you with it. When the King saw the return of the Ark of the Covenant to Israel he celebrated all over the city. Here's what the scripture says, "And David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod. So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the LORD with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet" (2 Sam. 6:14-15, KJV). So how can you be for certain that the best is still yet to come?

You know that what's to come is better than what's been because God has helped you with at least one problem that only He could fix. Okay, let's be honest for a moment. The year of 09 was was a breeze for some of you sharing this devotional moment right now. To you we say, "God bless you." But, for everyone else 09 was filled with ups and downs, crazy moments, and the only way that you were able to make it to see a new year was with the help of almighty God! It's what has happened to David. The Ark has been missing from Israel for 100 years. It was a problem that David could not fix with his human hands. But, that hand of God fixed so that the people of God would know that what's to come would be better than what's been! Can I ask you a question? Did God fix just one thing for you all of last year? If He did it for you that was His way of saying your tomorrow will be brighter than your yesterday!

Secondly, you know that things are going to get better because you have a presence with you right now that only God can provide. Do you really think that you made through 12 months, 52 weeks, 8766 hours, and 525600 minutes just because you made all the right choices and the best decisions? I hope that you realize that you made it through all of last year simply because the presence of the Lord was with you all year long. It is what happens in the passage. The Ark of the Covenant was a wooden box that was over laid with gold that had two golden angels’ seats on top of it. Inside of the box there was Aaron's rod that budded (it represented the protection of God), the tablets of Moses (it represented the principles of God), and the manna that came from heaven (it represented the provisions of God). In short, the one box represented the very presence of God! And when the presence of God was with His people they shouted because they knew that nothing that was ahead of them was greater than the God that was with them! In short, they knew that the future was bright because the Lord was on their side!

And, lastly you know that what's to come is better than what's been when you thank God for what's going to take place before it ever happens. David is dancing and the people are shouting. In fact, the word shout here in the Hebrew is tee-roo-ah. And, it means to shake. Thus, when you thank God for what He is going to do you should shout until something shakes! It is what happened in Israel and it is what should happen right now as we start the year of 2010 together. You know that it going to be better because your praise is given to Him in advance. I know, it sounds silly right? But, I promise you, if David who was a King could shout like he was a servant, you too can praise the Lord like you ready for His blessings to flow in your life like a river that is running over its banks! Let me ask you a question, how would you respond to God for keeping you an entire year? Bless Him like that right now because your best days are yet come!!!

Here's is your New Year's Revelation that comes from the Lord, what's to come is better than what's been! This is about to be the best year of your entire life! Give God the glory for it right now and know that last year was your time of testing and this year will be your season of blessing!

Your Friend and His Servant,

Dr. John R. Adolph

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