Sunday, November 15, 2009


My Dear Friends in the Faith:

I was born April 9, 1966 at about 4:28am. Yep, I woke my mother up early in the morning making my entrance into this place that we now live in. I'm now 43 years old and the older I get, the more life that I see and the more issues that I have to deal with I find myself saying some of the same things that I heard my parents say years ago. I find myself saying things like "stop running in my house", "put some shoes on your feet because I do not have time for you to catch a cold", "you're going to do it because I said so and that's whether you feel like it or not", "get off of the arm of that sofa right now", "yes you can go but you better be in before the street lights come on", and of course there is this one that says, "get a jacket before you leave because it is October and the weather changes with the drop of a dime."

I'm now 43 years old. And I can remember being raised with two books on the coffee table at all times. There was an almanac and a Bible. You see, the almanac was the little book that told you when to plant, when to fish, when the full moon would occur, when to expect rainy times and when to reap. And, the Bible was the infallible Word of God. For the life of me, I did not understand what those two books had in common. But, after having times of tears, moments of madness, and times of testing and blessing I now understand it. You see, they both have to do with seasons! The almanac gave you agricultural seasons, but the Bible gave you spiritual seasons. The shouting news of the day is that no season comes to stay. Seasons always change!!!

Now for those of you reading this devotional this week and all is well in your life, your bills are paid, your health is fine, your kids are blessed, your job is stable, your mind is clear, your journey is great and you can see that it is your season of bliss and bounty you owe the Lord a shout of thanksgiving! Get one in right now while you are in this season because seasons change. But, for everyone else sharing this time with me who have had one hell of a year, who have had to cry more in 09 than you have had to cry in your whole life, to those that have had to bury loved ones, to those that have been laid off, hurt, wounded, and have had to really struggle the Word of the Lord for you right now is this, "Your Season Is Changing!!!!!"

How would you act if God sent you a message of hope to tell you that He knows that you have been in a drought, but the rain is on the way? What would you do if God sent you an email that said that He has seen your tears and you are about to enter a season of joy like none that you have ever known? This is the purpose of this missive! Consider this a message from the Lord that has found your heart to tell you what Paul told the churches in Galatia when He said, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." (Galatians 6:7-9, KJV). So what are the Biblical indicators that your season is changing?

First, you know that your season is changing when you are starting to see the ruins of your leftover crop. Okay, this section is not for the real holy people that can not admit it. But, all believers have some left over crop. It's the stuff that you planted before you met Jesus that still shows up in your life every now and then. It's where some of your old habits that you just knew that you gotten rid of years ago start rising in your life again. It happens to all of us from time to time. Paul puts it like this, don't think that God has walked away from His divine principle of sowing and reaping. He is not mocked. And some of the crop that you are seeing is the remains of a crop that you planted before you got saved. But, why does God allow your left over harvest to rise again? He permits it because He knows that your old crop and your new crop cannot grow at the same time! So He gives you some time to get the old one completely out of the way because what is about to come is greater than what has been!!! Are you shouting yet? Get this, your tomorrow looks much better that your yesterday did!

Secondly, you know that your season is about to change when your soul grows weary. Has it ever happened to you before? Have you ever reached a point in your life where you just wanted to throw up both hands and just say "I quit!" If you are here right now, please find the words of this devotional as your divine permission to shout right now! You're being tired and wanting to quit is a sign from God that your season is about to change! Here's what the text says, "...and be not weary in well doing..." The term weary is “ek-kak-eo” in the Greek and it is in the subjunctive mood. It means to be tired to the point of exhaustion but still have just enough in the tank for one more battle. But, please get this, there is a reason why God lets you wear down before He lets your harvest come and your season change. He permits it so that you will know that your season changed because of Him and not because of you! He does not want you to brag about your harvest and your season so He lets you get too weak to continue so that you will have to boast about Him and Him alone!

And lastly, you know that your season is about to change when you are prepared to give God a shout for the season that is yet to come. Seasons must change and here's why. The earth spins on her axis at an angel of 23.5 degrees. As she orbits the sun there are times when she receives more sun light and thus the results are spring and summer. And, there are times when she receives less light and thus we have fall and winter. Did you get it? You see, the more of the "SON" we get the more our seasons change!!!! Here's the greatest news of the day. God says, "..we shall reap..." There's the presence of a definite article here. This means that it can't NOT happen. If you have sown, you shall reap! God has a habit of taking His people from leaves to loaves, from nothing to something and from poverty to plenty! If you have been faithfully sowing you should stop right here and give the Lord a huge thank you for your season because it is about to change!

At 43 years old I sound like the folks that raised me. I find myself waking in the morning and saying "thank you Jesus for another day!" I find myself saying "He's brought me from a mighty long way!" I find myself saying "God will make a way somehow!" And, I find myself saying "Yes, weeping may endure for a little while, but if you hold on...if you don't give out...if you don't give up...your season is going to change and joy will come in the morning!" Celebrate the changing of your season and know that God has ordained it to be so!!!

Your Friend and His Servant,

Dr. John R. Adolph

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