Sunday, November 15, 2009


My Dear Friends in the Faith:

You know that you live in a country that is pressed by demons and needs to be delivered when the devil has his own holiday. To put it bluntly, Halloween is about demonism pure and simple. It is a night in which the belief of ghosts, witches, evil spirits, superstitions, wickedness and dead people are literally celebrated. But, where did all of this madness get its start?

Consider this historical synopsis before you let your kids do any trick or treating this year. "Halloween can be traced back more than 2,000 years to a Celtic festival known as “Samhain” (pronounced SAH-wen) that was celebrated at the end of the summer harvest season. The ancient Celts lived in Northern Europe, especially Ireland, Britain and France. (The "C" in Celtic is pronounced with a "K" sound.) The Celts believed that the spirits of the dead roamed the towns and villages on the night of Oct. 31. Because the Celts were superstitious, they feared that these spirits could create havoc by damaging crops, creating sickness and even taking over the bodies of the living. To ward off danger, the Celts lighted huge bonfires and dressed in animal hides to frighten away the evil spirits. “Samhain” was a pagan (nonreligious) celebration. As Christianity became dominant in Europe, the Catholic Church decided it didn't like people celebrating a non-Christian holiday. Around the year 800, the Church moved a spring holiday, All Saints' Day, to Nov. 1. "Hallows" is another word for "saints," so the night before All Saints' Day became known as All Hallows' Eve. From there, it was just a hop, skip and a jump of the tongue for All Hallows' Eve to become Halloween" (Bennett, pg. 13, Washington Post, 2009).

And get this, trick or treating has its historical roots in the supreme night of demonic jubilation. It was on this night that people believed that the dead would leave their graves and try to find their way back home. In order to appease these evil spirits, town people would leave treats on their front porch (pie, candy, nuts, fruits, etc.) in high hopes that the evil spirits would take the treats and leave them peacefully. This is why we have been taught to dress up like dead folks to get candy from our neighbors and leave on Halloween night. This has nothing to do with Christ, the Bible, the Holy Ghost or the Christian faith at all!

In conjunction to this historical truth a solid word study can shed even more light on this horror of a supposed holiday. Hallo or Halle is the root for the term holy. This is why Jesus taught us to say "hallowed be thy name..." when He taught us the model prayer. This is to be done because the name of our God is holy and should be worshipped. Thus, Hallo in Halloween literally means holy or honored is due. And, “ween” literally means the wicked one. So when we celebrate Halloween we literally worship the wicked one. Now the last time I checked the Bible said, "Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people which are round about you; (For the LORD thy God is a jealous God among you) lest the anger of the LORD thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth" (Deut. 6:14-15, KJV). This means that if there is going to be any honor given, any worship presented our God is the one that it should be given to. This is why we shout HALLELUJAH! “Halle” means honor or praise and “lujah” means for jah. “Jah” is the root for the name of God which means the self existing holy one! Thus, when we shout Hallelujah we literally celebrate the God of glory in all of His majesty and splendor!

So listen when little visitors stop by your house on October 31st this year give them the treat of their lives. Share Jesus Christ with them! Stop by a Christian book store and buy some candy with Bible verses on them, get some nice Bible tracts that share our message of salvation of them, and make sure that you let everyone who comes near your door that for you, it's all about HALLELUJAH and not Halloween!!! Celebrate the one ghost that we believe in during this season and that is the Holy Ghost (the 3rd person of the Godhead). Celebrate our resurrected Savior Jesus Christ and truth of His Word! For He is worthy to be praised!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!!

Your Friend and His Servant,

Dr. John R. Adolph

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