My Dear Friends in the Faith:
Stress, anxiety and depression are modern day assassins! They are silent killers that cause more problems that you can shake a stick at. But, there comes a point in your life when you need something that will bring you instant relief. For instance, if you have a headache an aspirin can bring you relief. If you have a stomach ache Patois can bring you relief. But, if you have issues, circumstances, tribulations, problems, and heartache that human hands cannot fix or repair and you want instant relief here's what you do. Throw your head back, look towards heaven, and just say WHATEVER!!!
In fact, someone of you reading this devotional right now is stressed to the max. Your entire family leans on you. You have to hold everything up for everybody and keep a smile on your face so that they will think that everything is okay. You have to buy it, cook it, clean it, help it, direct it, pray for it, pay for it, teach it, hold it, mold it, and store it. And there are times when you don't know if you are going or coming. Let me help right quick. Throw your head back, look towards heaven and just say WHATEVER!!!
There are those who are sharing this moment with me right now that struggle with issues of anxiety and depression. People look at you and they have no idea what a struggle it is for you just to be present. In fact, you are living on the edge of quiet desperation. Today is problematic and tomorrow seems too filled with trouble to be worth it. Let me bring you to a point of spiritual healing and restoration right quick. Throw your head back, look towards heaven, and just day WHATEVER!!!
The Apostle Paul knew how to deal with stressful moments and tempestuous times. Here's what he tells the sincere devout believers of Philippi to do. He says, "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus" (Phil. 4:6-7, KJV).
Stress, anxiety and depression are modern day assassins! They are silent killers that cause more problems that you can shake a stick at. But, there comes a point in your life when you need something that will bring you instant relief. For instance, if you have a headache an aspirin can bring you relief. If you have a stomach ache Patois can bring you relief. But, if you have issues, circumstances, tribulations, problems, and heartache that human hands cannot fix or repair and you want instant relief here's what you do. Throw your head back, look towards heaven, and just say WHATEVER!!!
In fact, someone of you reading this devotional right now is stressed to the max. Your entire family leans on you. You have to hold everything up for everybody and keep a smile on your face so that they will think that everything is okay. You have to buy it, cook it, clean it, help it, direct it, pray for it, pay for it, teach it, hold it, mold it, and store it. And there are times when you don't know if you are going or coming. Let me help right quick. Throw your head back, look towards heaven and just say WHATEVER!!!
There are those who are sharing this moment with me right now that struggle with issues of anxiety and depression. People look at you and they have no idea what a struggle it is for you just to be present. In fact, you are living on the edge of quiet desperation. Today is problematic and tomorrow seems too filled with trouble to be worth it. Let me bring you to a point of spiritual healing and restoration right quick. Throw your head back, look towards heaven, and just day WHATEVER!!!
The Apostle Paul knew how to deal with stressful moments and tempestuous times. Here's what he tells the sincere devout believers of Philippi to do. He says, "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus" (Phil. 4:6-7, KJV).
In other words, you have to learn how to say God I have tried all that I can try, I have prayed all that I could possibly pray, and I have done all that I know how to do, the rest is yours so as far as I am concerned....WHATEVER!!!! So how do we spiritually get to the place where we too can say, WHATEVER?
First of all, you must encounter a release. Here's a personal question for you. Do you worry too much? If your answer was yes I want you to do me a favor. Let it go! Put it down! Quit tripping! Let God have it! Paul says it like this, "Be careful for nothing..." It could better be translated like this, stop worrying about right now and I mean it. Remember this; the beginning of faith is the end of worry. But, the beginning of worry is the end of faith! When one stops the other starts! They cannot coexists! Put it down and let the Lord of heaven have it. He's stronger than you are and He's better at carrying loads than you will ever be! Drop it and just say WHATEVER!
Secondly, you must make a request. One of the tricks of the enemy is to get you to put your burdens down because they are killing you and then pick them back up because you think that you can help God out by carrying them. If you want to live a stress free life you must get to the point where you not only release it but prayerfully let God have for good. Here's what the passage says, "...but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God..." The term prayer used here means to make a list and give it to God. Here's a good devotional question for you today. What's on your list? Who's on your list? Where is your list? Do not give your list to your friends, family and fellow neighbors. Give it to God in prayer and just say, WHATEVER!
And, lastly, you must plan to be restored. Life's worries can knock you off of your feet and take the breathe out of you. But, once you have given it to God you have to be restored and move on. Here's how Paul says it, "...and the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." The term keep is so rich here. It is the Greek word “froreho”. It means to keep bad stuff out and keep good things in. It means to build a gate around something. Here's what it means to you. Once you release it and make a request to God, He literally restores you by building a fence all around you. In short, God's got your back! Are you shouting yet? If you aren't you should be! And, when He has your back you can just say, God's got me covered so, WHATEVER!
For every stressed out saint that's been forced to deal with issues of anxiety, worry, trouble and heartache your healing lies in just this one little word. Say it, internalize it, believe it and practice it and start right now! Here it is one more time, believe it as a fact and declare it in faith to be free, WHATEVER!!!
Your Friend and His Servant,
Dr. John R. Adolph