Sunday, October 4, 2009

Who Wants To Be More Than A Millionaire!

My Dear Friends in the Faith:

It happened one day while I was leaving the gym. I noticed a huge huddle of men gathered around the screen peering as if they did not want to blink for fear of missing something. Okay, I am nosey so I had to figure out what they were looking at so I stopped too. When I looked at the screen it was not something that I was familiar with so I asked a young man standing nearby what was all of the fuss about. And he said "It's Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?"

Talk about game shows, this is the one for me. On the Price Is Right you can leave with a mobile home if you win. But, who needs that; it's just something else to take care of right? On the Family Feud you can leave with $40,000.00 if you win, but you have to split the money between 5 people on the show and they are your kinfolk. Can you imagine the fiasco that takes place after that show? I submit to you that if you are going to play a game you want to play one that you can walk away from there a millionaire! You want game where you can come broke and leave rich. And, there is only one show in America that allows that to happen and it is "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?"

The shouting news of the day for us however is this, there is a way for you to become MORE than a Millionaire and this is not a game show! God has granted us a plan that will bestow things on you that money cannot buy, that credit cannot charge and checks cannot write. The God of heaven has put in place a way for you to turn tragedy into triumph, midnight into day and losses into gains! God has a plan that will joy to the down trodden, direction to the lost, light to those in darkness and healing for those who are broken. My question for you today is this "Who Wants To Be More Than A Millionaire?"

As Paul opens his letter to church at Ephesus he makes a statement in verse 3 of chapter that will sneak by you if you are not paying attention. He says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ" (Eph. 1:3, KJV). What Paul is really declaring in canonical terms when placed in our cultural context is this; you can be MORE than a Millionaire if you know where you stand and what you're doing! So how do you become more than a millionaire?

You must realize that there is power in the person of God worth boasting about. Okay admit it or not, we like bragging on certain things. If our kids do well we brag, if we catch a huge sale we brag and we brag on our team when they win. But, there is nothing in your life that brings more wealth to you than bragging on God! Paul says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ..." The word "blessed" he uses is eulogeho in the Greek and it means to boast. What follows this term is the definitive of who we should be boasting on "...the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ..." Older saints have a cliché that says "it's a sad dog that cannot wag it's on tail." Likewise, I say it's a sorry Christian that cannot brag on their own God! So talk good about your God! Brag about His love, mercy, grace, patience, peace, power and person. Brag about His provisions, His potency, and His persistence. And remember this, the more you brag, the more He blesses!

You must recognize that there is potency in the praise of God when you know that you're already blessed. You're shouting huh? If you're not, you should be. Because you are so blessed right now that there are days when you just start to think about how good He has been to you and tear should fall from your eye. Here's the truth about it, He's been better than good, He's been sweeter than sweet and He's been the blesser of your soul all of your life! You are already blessed!!! Paul says it like this "...who hath blessed us..." Did you get it? Paul says He has done it already. I have a praise assignment for you to do right quick. Stop right now, find a mirror and tell yourself ten things that God has done for you today that money could not buy for you and then say this to yourself, "I'm so blessed!" And for those of you reading this devotional that is really going through a moment of difficulty I want you to say this to yourself, "It could be worse, I am still blessed!" Get this saints, God does not owe us anything else! If He does not do anything for any of us, He has already done enough because He has been just that good! Say this with enough passion to make the devil mad I am blessed!

You must remember that there are provisions that come from God when Christ is your Savior and Lord. This is the shouting news of the day. Remember this, real blessings do not only come from what you have, but they come from who has you! In this stead, you can be blessed without a Cadillac. You can be blessed without a house on a hill and you can be blessed in the midst of sickness and dismay. It is because real blessings are rooted not in what you have possessed, but in who possesses you! Here's how Paul says it, "....with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ." Everything thing that you need comes from the Lord of heaven. It's just that simple. Here's some news that should make your heart happy, God is going to take care of you. I hear you asking, "How can I be for certain?" Here's the answer for you. He took care of you yesterday that's while you're still here today! God is on your side!!!

In order to win the game on television you have to answer some questions correctly. And to make sure that your answer is the one you want to stay with the host says "Is that your final answer?" Well, in order to be MORE than a Millionaire I have some questions for you too. Question #1-Who died on the cross for you? Is that your final answer? Question #2-Who filled you with His spirit? Is that your final answer? Question #3-How did you make to this point without losing you mind? Is that your final answer? And, last question (you may need to use your life line on this one) how did you get a testimony like yours? Is that your final answer? If you answered JESUS to all of these you're not just a millionaire...YOU'RE MORE THAN A MILLIONAIRE!!!

Your Friend and His Servant,

Dr. John R. Adolph

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