Sunday, July 12, 2009

Just Keep the Fire Burning!

My Dear Friends in the Faith:

It was the 4th of July 1977 and I can recall it being so hot in Houston, Texas that you could fry an egg in a rod iron skillet on the pavement outside. It was hot enough to see the heat move along the ground trying to find a place to cool off. I was sitting on the couch in the den that was covered with plastic (stuck to it of course), watching Good Times and praying that the a/c would not quit again. When all of a sudden I noticed my father going out of the patio door with a red bag in his hand. I knew what that meant. He was about to hook it up, throw some meat on the pit, and some chicken on the grill.

I went outside to offer him my culinary expertise in his grilling endeavor. I said, "Daddy what cha doing?" And he replied "I'm getting ready to bar-b-que." I meandered around for a moment and finally found the courage to ask him if I could give him a hand. And to my surprise he said "yes!" In fact, he gave me the lighter fluid and a specific assignment. He said and I quote, "Listen I'm going into the kitchen to season the meat. All I need for you to do is just keep the fire burning!"

Can you see this fiasco in your minds yet? I was eleven years old with a can of lighter fluid, a pit full of flames and limited supervision. Okay, let me just say it out right here. I poured so much lighter fluid on that fire until I think my neighbors called the fire department. If I remember correctly I even singed my eye brows. But, I did not want to let my Daddy down. All over the country on the 4th of July people are firing up the grill. And, as those fires emerge we should think about the Holy Ghost fire that came on the day of Pentecost. A fire that changed the world forever!

Luke records it for us in the book of Acts 2 when he says, "And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:1-4, KJV).

It is my firm belief that the coming of the Holy Ghost represented by fire on the day of Pentecost was the inaugural day of the church. And as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ we have a responsibility to do what my Daddy told me to do on the 4th of July 1977. And, that is this "Just keep the fire burning!" So here's our devotional question for the day "how do we keep the firing burning?

First of all, we must realize that the Holy Ghost sparks an increase and causes an overflow. Check this out and follow me here. The feast of the Passover was celebrated by eating a roasted lamb. The feast of First Fruits was celebrated by pulling a sheaf from the ground and waving it at God from the field. But, when Pentecost (the feast of weeks) came it was celebrated not by waving leaves at God but by waving loaves. You see, the harvest had come in and the people had more than just leaves they had enough grain to make some bread!!! Here's how you can keep the fire burning throughout the 4th of July holiday. Tell people about the testimony of your increase! No you may not have everything that you want to have. But, you have been blessed by the Lord and increased in some marvelous ways. While you are chilling with friends and chewing some BBQ tell your story of what God has done for you!

Secondly, we must recognize that the Holy Ghost consumes what was empty and makes it full. The text says that they were all with one accord and in one place. The word "accord" used here is a musical term which means that the people made melodious music together. They had harmony. And when that happened two things took place. The Holy Ghost showed up and He filled the house. The term "filled" that is used for the people is play-o. And it means to put furniture in an empty place. Thus, the way you fill the house is to get some folks together, put your minds on the Lord, admit that you are empty and then say to the Holy Ghost, "Come on in!" Have you ever been empty before? If you have, then you can testify with me that the Holy Ghost can fill you like no one else can!!!

And lastly, we must remember that the Holy Ghost ignites the natural and causes the supernatural. Where ever the Holy Ghost is the supernatural is going to take place. The miracle in the text is that people who were short on education and formal training (Galileans) stood to declare the gospel to the whole world. In short, it was supernatural. When the Holy Ghost empowered the people a miracle took place. Here's the shouting news for us on the 4th of July 2009, God is still in the miracle working business and you are one of His greatest witnesses. So while you are relaxing on the 4th tell your story and start a fire in the living room that no one else can put out.

My Dad's instructions were simple. "Just keep the fire burning!" I believe that as we celebrate Independence Day for our country across the nation believers should be celebrating our Dependence on Jesus Christ in everything that we do. In short, don't be scared to start a fire! When the opportunity presents itself jump in with both feet and tell someone that the joy you have did not come from joy juice, but Jesus Christ! Let the fire in your bosom bless someone in your company by just hearing that God has taken you from leaves to loaves! Enjoy the holiday, but make it a Holy Day and to God be the glory!!!

Your Friend and His Servant,

Dr. John R. Adolph, Pastor

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