My Dear Friends in the Faith:
Time. It is the greatest commodity known to human existence and people use it differently every single day. There are those who use time wisely. That is to say that they plan their work and they work their plan. Others lose tract of time while those who are bored and have nothing to do find ways to kill time. People are known for wasting time so large corporations spend millions each year training upper level management personnel on issues regarding time management.
Time. Chronometrically we can measure time. Seconds become minutes; minutes become hours; hours become days; days become weeks; weeks become months; months become years; years become decades; decades become centuries; and centuries become millenniums. And, within the scope of time we can conclude that time changes some things. In time, mansions can become shacks, people who were once strong become feeble and weak, and hair that was once black becomes gray and shapes that were once petite and cute become laced with love handles to hold on to.
Time. We even live in a culture where we have manmade devices that supposedly help us save time. You don't to mail letters any more you can fax it, email it or simply send a text message. We live in a generation that is able to wash the dishes, do the laundry, cook a roast and water the grass all at the same time so that we might have some time to spend with the family. You see, most people work full time, while others work part time, use sick time in the place of vacation time so that when it is time to take a vacation they have some time to take. And, there even points in your life when you're having a great time and time seemingly takes on the wings of an eagle. For it is then that you hear people say "Boy time surely flies!"
However, there is a place that God brings every believer. A place where it doesn't matter if you lose time, kill time, waste time, plan your time or use time unwisely. A place that I call the "mean time." Have you ever been there? It is that place where you are stuck between where you are and where you would like to be? It is the spot where you have a mountain behind you and you look up and realize that there is still yet a bigger hill to climb ahead of you. It is the place of promise, before the promise arrives. It is the haven of healing while sickness still prevails. It is the place of hope before help arrives. It is the site for your harvest before your fruit comes forth. It is the place of blessing before the blessing gets to you. It is the "mean time!"
You've been there haven't you? Don't feel lonely. That great preacher the Apostle Paul knows how you feel because he has been there too. He wanted to get to Rome to address the largest nation in the known world but he could not do it. So he too got caught in the "mean time." Here is what Paul says about the matter,
First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world. For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers; making request, if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come unto you. For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established; that is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me. Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you, (but was let hitherto,) that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles. I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise. So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also (Romans 1:8-15, KJV).
It is my earnest prayer to God that there are those of you who are reading this devotional message right now that are trapped in the "mean time" and don't know what to do. The Word of God has the answer for you today! While we are in the "mean time" we will simply do what Paul did. If it worked for him it will work for you too! So what do we do in the "mean time?"
Be thankful! The first words out of Paul’s mouth are "First I thank my God..." Okay let's be honest for a moment. When you are trapped between where you are and where you want to be it can be a place filled with DIS. It can become a place where you are disappointed, discouraged, dismayed, and filled with discontent. It can become a sore spot where you are filled with dissatisfaction, disillusioned and even feel like you are disabled. It is a place where you can feel like you want to disband the faith and even drift into disbelief, because you cannot discern why this is happening to you and thus you become disgruntled in your walk with God. But if you are smart you would quickly disband thoughts like these and lift up your hands and bless the Lord! I dare you to do it. If you are in the between where you have come from and where you are headed bless God and say thank you for everything!!!
Continue to be faithful! Paul says, "I've heard about your faith......." This is actually a bit of sanctified sarcasm. What he's saying is very encouraging. He's saying I've heard about your faith, but let me see if the talk is really true. My friend please receive this today, faith in God is key to your victory in Jesus Christ. Faith in God opens doors that appear to be brick walls; faith in God heals the sick; faith in God dismisses demons; faith in God moves mountains; faith in God will look at an empty lot and see a house sitting there and the house is yours; faith in God restores broken families; faith in God will help you walk on water; and faith in God saves a lost soul! In short, when you get to the place where your faith is being tested show God that you can be trusted and be found faithful!
Time. It is the greatest commodity known to human existence and people use it differently every single day. There are those who use time wisely. That is to say that they plan their work and they work their plan. Others lose tract of time while those who are bored and have nothing to do find ways to kill time. People are known for wasting time so large corporations spend millions each year training upper level management personnel on issues regarding time management.
Time. Chronometrically we can measure time. Seconds become minutes; minutes become hours; hours become days; days become weeks; weeks become months; months become years; years become decades; decades become centuries; and centuries become millenniums. And, within the scope of time we can conclude that time changes some things. In time, mansions can become shacks, people who were once strong become feeble and weak, and hair that was once black becomes gray and shapes that were once petite and cute become laced with love handles to hold on to.
Time. We even live in a culture where we have manmade devices that supposedly help us save time. You don't to mail letters any more you can fax it, email it or simply send a text message. We live in a generation that is able to wash the dishes, do the laundry, cook a roast and water the grass all at the same time so that we might have some time to spend with the family. You see, most people work full time, while others work part time, use sick time in the place of vacation time so that when it is time to take a vacation they have some time to take. And, there even points in your life when you're having a great time and time seemingly takes on the wings of an eagle. For it is then that you hear people say "Boy time surely flies!"
However, there is a place that God brings every believer. A place where it doesn't matter if you lose time, kill time, waste time, plan your time or use time unwisely. A place that I call the "mean time." Have you ever been there? It is that place where you are stuck between where you are and where you would like to be? It is the spot where you have a mountain behind you and you look up and realize that there is still yet a bigger hill to climb ahead of you. It is the place of promise, before the promise arrives. It is the haven of healing while sickness still prevails. It is the place of hope before help arrives. It is the site for your harvest before your fruit comes forth. It is the place of blessing before the blessing gets to you. It is the "mean time!"
You've been there haven't you? Don't feel lonely. That great preacher the Apostle Paul knows how you feel because he has been there too. He wanted to get to Rome to address the largest nation in the known world but he could not do it. So he too got caught in the "mean time." Here is what Paul says about the matter,
First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world. For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers; making request, if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come unto you. For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established; that is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me. Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you, (but was let hitherto,) that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles. I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise. So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also (Romans 1:8-15, KJV).
It is my earnest prayer to God that there are those of you who are reading this devotional message right now that are trapped in the "mean time" and don't know what to do. The Word of God has the answer for you today! While we are in the "mean time" we will simply do what Paul did. If it worked for him it will work for you too! So what do we do in the "mean time?"
Be thankful! The first words out of Paul’s mouth are "First I thank my God..." Okay let's be honest for a moment. When you are trapped between where you are and where you want to be it can be a place filled with DIS. It can become a place where you are disappointed, discouraged, dismayed, and filled with discontent. It can become a sore spot where you are filled with dissatisfaction, disillusioned and even feel like you are disabled. It is a place where you can feel like you want to disband the faith and even drift into disbelief, because you cannot discern why this is happening to you and thus you become disgruntled in your walk with God. But if you are smart you would quickly disband thoughts like these and lift up your hands and bless the Lord! I dare you to do it. If you are in the between where you have come from and where you are headed bless God and say thank you for everything!!!
Continue to be faithful! Paul says, "I've heard about your faith......." This is actually a bit of sanctified sarcasm. What he's saying is very encouraging. He's saying I've heard about your faith, but let me see if the talk is really true. My friend please receive this today, faith in God is key to your victory in Jesus Christ. Faith in God opens doors that appear to be brick walls; faith in God heals the sick; faith in God dismisses demons; faith in God moves mountains; faith in God will look at an empty lot and see a house sitting there and the house is yours; faith in God restores broken families; faith in God will help you walk on water; and faith in God saves a lost soul! In short, when you get to the place where your faith is being tested show God that you can be trusted and be found faithful!
Be very prayerful! Paul says it clearly, "I'm praying for you." The irony of this is that he has just said that he has heard about their faith. Thus they were doing well, yet the Apostle says I'm praying for you. Here's why, if you are growing and getting stronger as a Christian the devil will do all that he can do to destroy and discourage you in the faith. When you find yourself between where you want to be and where you are right now here's what you need to know. There is warfare going on that the naked eye cannot see and the physical hand cannot touch and if you are going to be victorious in it you must know how to pray. What should you ask God for at a time like this? Ask God simply for the faith to stand like Job, a heart to rejoice like David and the wisdom of Solomon to know what to do and when you should do it. Hear this today for those who are in the "mean time" pray!
Be prepared to gain the spiritual! Paul says he has a spiritual gift for the believers. The spiritual gift mentioned in the passage above is one that will produce fruit. The only gift that produces fruit in the Bible is the seed of the Word of God! In short, when you are between being sick and being healed should expect a Word from the Lord! Have you ever been there before? Where you were between where you were and where you really wanted to be and God sent you a Word that was tailor made to fit your situation and your circumstances and it changed your entire life? If God did it then He will do it again! And if you know the Word like I do you do not have to wait on a sermon to get the Word that you need. Open your Bible and say "Lord show me which way to go! Tell me what to do! God guide me and I will follow you!" Remember this, when you need to hear from God most He will speak by way of His Word when you're in the "mean time!"
Be ready for the Gospel! Here's the best news of the day. He came, He lived, He blessed, He healed, He taught, He preached, He gave, He fed, He led, He died, He rose, and He is coming back!!! Okay, what does this mean to a person who is trapped in the "mean time?" It means that if your problem is not bigger than a dead Jesus, trapped behind a two ton rock, guarded by enemy soldiers our Father in heaven has already proven that He can handle it!!! It means that you have already won you just have to stay until the big dance is over.
You see my friends, God works in mysterious ways. He allows us moments in the "mean time" so that we will learn and know that when we are in the "mean time" He is in prime time! When you can't, He can. When they won't, He will. When they stop, He starts. And when it seems impossible God brings it to pass! If you are in the "mean time" hold on to your joy, keep the faith, serve the Lord, stay with the Word and know that you don't have to wait until it is over to bless God is thanksgiving. You can do that right now!
Your Friend and His Servant,
Dr. John R. Adolph, Pastor
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